Our Mission

“Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples all the commandment I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always even to the end of the age.” Amen. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Our Vision

Our goal is to establish a network of house churches following the biblical model of Acts of the Apostles. The culture of discipleship is developed with devotion to biblical writing, prayer, worship, and communion among brothers and sisters and that is of service to the communities where they reside.

 Casa Sobre La Roca (“House on the Rock”)

House on the Rock is a church that is located in the center of a family home and that is based on the Rock that is Christ. The heart of the mission is born in the communion of a family that adores God and allows His dominion in all its dimensions and His light to illuminate all communities.

It facilitates the sense of family and fellowship that generates closeness, company, and support between the members as well as trust, dedication and commitment. All skepticism that the Hispanic community has against religious institutions is broken as all participants are cared for spiritually, physically and emotionally.

Some of the things we value at Casa Sobre La Roca are:

  • Simplicity in meetings

  • Communion between the brothers

  • Biblical scripture as the foundation of life and relationship with God

  • Transformation and healing of each believer

  • Development of spiritual gifts and talents

  • Disciples who make disciples

  • Individual and communal fulfillment of God’s purpose

  • Transformation of communities